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Connecting With CassIO Community

All code, including this website, are under Apache License v2. You can find everything in the following GitHub organization:

Reporting Issues

Reporting an issue on GitHub is straightforward. Navigate to the issues page of the repository:

Click on the "New Issue" button: This will direct you to a page where you can create a new issue.

Fill out the title and description: Provide a clear and concise title for the issue. In the description, explain the issue in detail. Include steps to reproduce the issue, the expected behavior, and the actual behavior. If applicable, include error messages, screenshots, or other relevant information.

Label the issue: Labels help categorize and prioritize issues. For example, you might use a "bug" label for issues related to bugs, a "documentation" label for issues related to documentation, etc.

Submit the issue: Once you have filled in all the necessary information, click on the "Submit new issue" button.

Remember to check first if your issue has already been reported by someone else to avoid duplicates. If you find a similar issue that's already been reported, you can contribute by commenting on the existing issue with any new information.


CassIO uses GitHub discussions. Please use this for general usage questions.

Apache Cassandra or DataStax Astra help

The Planet Cassandra Discord server has people that can help. You can follow this invite to join: